2014 November Minutes

Talavera Community Association


President Douglas Hoffman opened the meeting at 6:30 PM. Approximately 60 neighbors attended, including several new folks. He informed us the TCA is not officially allowed to use the Fire Department and it may not be always available. He suggested we need a Community Center.

Thanks was given to the 35 community members who participated in the roadway cleanup. Eleven miles of roads were cleaned. Don’t you think they look great?!

Thanks was given to Perry Ashby for arranging repair of our damaged TCA sign.

Propane Coop

Perry Ashby provided information about the Talavera Community Propane Coop. To find our more, contact Perry at tca@talavera.com.

Neighborhood Watch

Jerry Gammel, our neighborhood Watch Coordinator was introduced. Jerry indicated his contact info is on the TCA website if you would like to reach him. His email address is: GGamm43345@aol.com.

Treasurer Report

Steve Taro presented the Treasurer Report:

Current balance: $12,431.27
Expenses this year: $2,419.19
Deposits this year: $3,915.00

Newsletter cost: $792.68
Newsletters mailed: 622
Cost per newsletter: $1.27

County Commission Report

Ben Rawson provided several updates. Please contact Ben at brawson@donaanacounty.org for more information about any of the following items:

  • Verizon Tower: BLM gave the property to DAC, but only for the use as a fire station. BLM said it could not be used for the tower. After about 9-10 months, BLM eventually signed off on the contract. Last month DAC approved the tower by a vote of 5-0. Then the contract goes to the state for approval around December 18. If all goes well, Verizon should be able to begin construction in January and will have 90 days to complete the tower.
  • Soledad Canyon corridor study: You can still provide input on the study until the middle of December. The County will provide a recommendation.
  • Baylor Canyon/Dripping Springs paving project: Ben encouraged folks provide comments on the project. A number of people brought up various concerns. Ben indicated they should submit their comments in writing to ensure they were part of the record. The project is likely to move quickly.
  • Safe Driving: Ben discussed safe driving and reminded folks to please drive safely. He indicated he would work with the new Sheriff to address issues that we have.
  • Pot holes on Soledad: They will be fixed the following Thursday (now fixed).

New Animal License Ordinance

A new Animal Control Ordinance went into effect on January 17, 2014. (Almost one year ago!) The main points to know are:

  • New ordnance in effect since January 17.
  • Costs for licensing directly related to sterilization choice. Non-sterilization will cost more.
  • Fee is $7.00
  • License is only available from the Animal Shelter

Animal Service Center of Mesilla Valley
3551 Bataan Memorial West
Las Cruces, NM 88012
Phone: 575-382-0018
Fax: 575-373-2819

  • Proof of rabies is required. You might also want to bring proof of microchip and sterilization.
  • Visit Las Cruces Animal Shelter website to review ordinance (also available on TCA website under Links)

You can also contact Mary Lou Ward at 525-8846 or email at marylouw@donaanacounty.org.

Resident Comments

One resident was concerned about the right-turn lane at University and Sonoma Ranch, where it turns onto Sonoma Ranch leading to the high school. Many times drivers are using it as a passing lane creating an unsafe situation. Rep. Rawson said he would look into it. A discussion followed regarding ownership and responsibility for that particular area. Rep. Rawson said he would find out and be sure that issue was addressed.

Another resident questioned whether additional funds and staff positions were being made available to support expansion of the DAC animal control ordnance. Rep. Rawson indicated there were no additional funds allocated.