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October 15th… Two Important Meetings!

Please mark Wednesday, October 15 on your calendar.There are 2 county meetings of great importance to Talavera residents. At 9:00 AM, the regular County Commission meeting will occur. The Noahs Ark Group Study (NAGS) petition to request a new study of the Tellbrook/Filmore Arroyo flood 

Flood Study Results

The Noahs Ark Group Study (NAGS) flood plain mapping results were presented to area residents in a meeting that was held Wednesday September 17, at the Farm and Ranch theater. Approximately 75 area residents attended the meeting along with State Senator Lee Rawson, and a 

Old FEMA Postings

The old sample FEMA challenge letters and petition have been moved. The text of these documents can be found here. federal-agency-letters fema-challenge-petition

September 13 Meeting Minutes Posted

The minutes from the September 13 meeting have now been posted. The minutes are on the minutes page, or you can see theme here: September 13 minutes.