ETZ Meeting Outcome


Both requests related to the Soledad Vista subdivision that were before the ETZ commission at the October 1st meeting were approved. The 2 provisions were:

1. Request for approval of the subdivision plat map.

2. A request to waive the design standards for the right-of-way improvements. Specifically, Chippewa Trail will NOT be paved, and all traffic from the subdivision will be directed onto Achenbach Canyon Rd.

Here is the Power Point presentation by Southwest Engineering* that was presented at the meeting. The 10 slides in the presentation are self-explanatory and provide a good overview of the project and the proposals.

A very grateful Thank-You to Talavera Resident Evans Ralston, for representing Talavera at the ETZ meeting and for obtaining this copy of Southwest Engineering’s presentation.






*NOTE* You will need Microsoft  PowerPoint or the free MS PowerPoint Viewer to see this presentation. The free PowerPoint Viewer can be obtained here.