Important Water News for Talavera Residents

Monday, August 2, the Las Cruces City Council voted to proceed with condemnation of the Moongate Water Co. This was done for a number of reasons, none of which have to do with the quality of the Moongate water, which is in fact superior in quality to the water provided by the city utility. I represented the Talavera Community Association, as many of us are on Moongate water and do not wish to be forcibly switched to the City for water. The city is proceeding with this action because they want to stop Moongate from suing them, as it has done several times in arguments about who will provide water to new developments in the Organ area. It is also likely that the city wants the Moongate water supply, which is distinct from the city’s. The city wants to be the sole provider for water for commercial development in the Route 70 corridor. This commercial development will provide revenue for the city, both in taxes and for the city water utility. To support commercial development and its associated revenue stream, the city needs more water.

So, Talavera residents will be forced to accept city water and city water rates. We will have no voice in this matter, nor will we have any future representation in matters regarding this water supply and its costs. Basically, the city is taking our water company to provide for Walmart, the golf course and the poorly-sited schools in the northeast of the city. We have no guarantees that we will receive the same water pressure.  We have one guarantee, and that is that the city will send us water that is of distinctly worse quality than we presently receive from Moongate. You may get information on water quality for comparisons at:
for both water systems.

Your TCA board wants to know what Talavera residents would like the association to do. Please contact us with your thoughts, as many of you have already  done. It is unlikely we will be able to get back to each of you, so please watch this website ( for updates.

Thank you
Douglas Hoffman, Pres.

Read the Condemnation Resolution(PDF document) by clicking this link: 20100730_091209_condemnation

Read the Las Cruces Sun-News article here!