Rattlesnake Vaccine Clinic, April 13th, 2014

It is getting to be that time of the year again and Calista Animal Hospital is offering a very convenient way to get your pets vaccinated for rattlers.
The Rattlesnake Vaccine (Crotalus Vaccine) Clinic will be conducted at the Talavera Fire Station on Sunday, April 13th, 2014, from 9:00 am until 11:00 am. Cost will be $30.00 (a 25% discount) by cash or check only.
Regarding the Crotalus atrox vaccine, Cesar Millan’s website quoted one vet’s thoughts on this particular vaccine:
This vaccine is meant for use in healthy dogs to help decrease the severity of rattlesnake bites. … Benefits of the vaccines are that it allows more time to get to a veterinary hospital, it reduces the amount of pain and swelling experienced and provides faster recovery times.
The vaccine works by stimulating the dog’s immune system to produce antibodies against rattlesnake toxin. The antibodies are short lived and the vaccine typically only provides protection for six months necessitating a booster shot either once a year one month before “snake season” or twice a year in areas where rattlesnakes are year-round risks.