TCA Meeting Agenda, October 3, 2015
Talavera Community Association
Just a couple weeks left before our semi-annual neighborhood cleanup and we’d like to whet your appetite. The potluck is a highlight of the festivities, however, our TCA meeting agenda will certainly be interesting.
County Commissioner Ben Rawson is scheduled to give us some updates on the Cell tower, Soledad Canyon paving, DASO budget issues, and communication between Talavera and Doña Ana County.
Our VP, Bill Godby, resigned a couple of months ago and Perry Ashby, Member at Large, was encouraged to step into the VP slot. Jerry Wertz has also agreed to take Perry’s Member-at-Large vacancy. Karen Armstrong (Webmaster) was tapped for the Secretary responsibilities. Lots of changes taking place and we need to address the Boards’ recommendations for Directors.
Another agenda item is an update to the TCA bylaws. Of note is our current voting procedure. As is, voting privileges are only extended to paid members attending the TCA meeting (30-50 votes). The Board feels that in order to represent the entire Talavera community, the vote on important decisions should be extended to all current TCA paid members (150-200 votes).
We have also simplified some of the bylaw language for easier reading and clarification:
- TCA – Talavera Community Association
- Board – Board of Directors, including Member-at-Large(s)
- Director – Individual member of the Board
- Membership – A current paid member Household with voting privileges
- Memberships – All current paid member Households with voting privileges
- General Member – Any member with or without voting privileges
- Annual Meeting – The 1st meeting of the year for annual reports, elections, future bylaw amendments, etc.
Proposed bylaws are linked with new items in red and old items in gray stikeout.
For these bylaw changes to take place we need 2/3 majority vote of those paid members attending this meeting. Please mark your calendars. We are looking forward to your input.
2015 Oct Proposed Bylaw Changes
Your TCA Board