TCA Fall Meeting – 10/27/2018 – Farm & Ranch Museum

Please join us for the TCA fall meeting:

October 27th, 2018
6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Farm & Ranch Museum

Earlier, same day, Jerry Wertz will coordinate the fall roadside clean-up, meeting at the fire station at 8:00 a.m. We appreciate all those participating in this necessary volunteer work.

That evening our fall meeting agenda will include

  • Natural Gas Lines
  • Soledad Road Construction
  • Fire Organization Realignment
  • El Paso Sub-Station Progress report
  • BOD Coming Elections (President, Member-at-Large)

After TCA business is concluded we have allotted five (5) minutes each for invited candidates* to speak:

State Representative (Incumbent) Doreen Gallegos
State Representative Candidate David Cheek,
County Commissioner (Incumbent) Ben Rawson,
County Commissioner Candidate Shannon Reynolds,
Public Regulation Commissioner Candidate Stephen Fischmann,
Public Regulation Commissioner Candidate Ben Hall,
County Sheriff Candidate Todd Garrison, and
County Sheriff Candidate Kim Stewart,

Following the meeting we will adjourn to a reception area to enjoy appetizers. This will be your opportunity to speak directly with the candidates to address any concerns you may have. Since we cannot bring food to the Farm & Ranch the TCA will be funding the Hors d’oeuvres.

Hope you can join us,
TCA Board of Directors

*We have invited candidates whose jurisdiction affect our area.