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Update for Talavera Mutual Water Users

From Karen Perez: The tanks are not even close to full and Bernie is still hauling water.   Please do NOT use water for anything that is non-essential; some of us have not had water since Thursday and are not even able to flush toilets.  It 

Important Notice for Talavera Water Users

The extreme cold has resulted in freezing of some of the distribution lines of the Talavera Mutual Water Co, and the managers are requesting that Talavera Mutual Water users conserve water as much as possible.  They are working on the system and hope to have 

Artillery Noise Effecting Talavera

In the morning hours of January 13th, numerous residents of Talavera are hearing repeated loud booms and experiencing some ground movement. One resident has reported a window shattering.  This activity is coming from Fort Bliss, from a range that leads into the back of Soledad 

Lost Fire Truck?

A number of Talavera residents have expressed concern about the fire truck they may have seen off the road on the north side of Dripping Springs near A Mountain.  Please be advised that this is not a Talavera truck, but rather a NMSU University Fire