FEMA Postpones Flood Map Appeal Period
According to a front page article in Friday’s(July 13) Las Cruces Sun News, FEMA has postponed the appeal period for the new flood plain maps in Dona Ana county. The new flood plain maps effect many residents of the Talavera area. The full article can be found here.
While this is certainly good news for those residents who are in the new flood zone designations, I caution you to not get too complacent. Although FEMA has agreed to review the data, there is no guarantee that anything will be changed after the review. If you were planning an appeal, you should use the additional time to understand the appeal process and work with neighbors to plan your appeal and perhaps share the potential cost.
The TCA owes a great deal of thanks to County Commissioner Karen Perez who was a leader in gathering support to convince FEMA to postpone the appeal period. While Karen, a Talavera resident, represents a much larger area of the County than just our community, she has done an excellent job responding to Talavera area concerns and issues.