Rattlesnake Vaccination Clinic Scheduled
Calista Animal Hospital of Las Cruces has scheduled a rattlesnake vaccination clinic for Talavera area residents on Sunday, March 21st 9-11AM at the Fire Station. The cost is $20 per vaccination.
Everyone who lives in the Talavera area knows that rattlesnakes are a fact of life in our neighborhood. You have all probably seen them, like this guy, who showed up at my front door last September. While our Western Diamondbacks are not aggressive, they will defend themselves, especially against nosy pets. This is you chance to vaccinate your pets against rattlesnake bites. If your pet has not been vaccinated before, it will require a booster approximately 30 days after the first vaccination. Calista Animal Hospital has scheduled a second vaccination clinic for Sunday, April 18th, also from 9 – 11 AM at the fire station.
Calista Animal Hospital has requested that anyone who would like to take advantage of these vaccinations to please call the Calista Animal Hospital at 644-9721 and leave your name and the number of dogs you will be bringing. This is only to insure that clinic staff have enough vaccine on hand the day of the clinic.
Remember, Rattlesnake vaccination clinic on Sunday, March 21st, 9 – 11 AM at the Fire Station.