Community Rummage/Garage Sale
Remember those great community garage sales we used to have at the Fire Station? Well, the Fire Station is no longer available for that function, but the organizer of those sales, Talavera resident Maureen Villmer has agreed to organize a community wide garage sale. Residents will use their own homes to host the sale, but we will pool resources to advertise the sale at multiple locations. Here are Maureen’s Emails:
I would llike to have a neighborhood rummage sale and Friday June, 3 2011. Can you put the word out and see if anyone would like to participate? It would start at 7 am. to 1:00 one day only. Everybody would have it at their own house or combine with neighbors. We will do the signage and everyone would pay $6.00 for the ad. We will write and place the ads. If anyone wants help in pricing, let us know. They can contact me at 496-7605 or at my e-mail address
I have been asked for a Sat. for the rummage sale. So, we will do Friday AND Sat. June 3 and 4. 7 am to 1:00 pm with early birds welcome @ 6 am. ( WE know they will be there anyway. ) We have had a good response. 5 families and counting. Please send out a blanket mailing to everyone about the change. Once we know how many people are in it we can determine how much the ad will run. We will have to run the ad at least 3 days for a 2 day sale. Thanks Janet for your help. By the way, you can be in both days or just one day. We will figure it out with signage. Maureen
If you would like to join in, please contact Maureen at the phone number, or Email listed above.