Baylor Canyon Rd Comment Deadlines: FHWA – 11/20/2014; BLM – 12/4/2014
There are actually two federal agencies doing simultaneously NEPA scoping on the Baylor Canyon/Dripping Springs project: Federal Highway Administration and Bureau of Land Management. The FHWA deadline for comments is Nov. 20, 2014, BLM deadline is Dec. 4, 2014.
Talavera residents hold a diversity of opinions on this project. When evaluating the project keep in mind the following points:
- Traffic and north/south access;
- Impact to wildlife and the wilderness study areas;
- The absence of bike lanes in the current design;
- Does the county have enough money to complete the project?;
- Coordination with the BLM management plan for the Organ National Monument;
- The current MPO plan for a bypass route on Mesa Grande or Weisner.
Prior Information:
As many of you know, and as was discussed at the TCA potluck and meeting last Saturday, the county plans to pave all of the unpaved sections of Baylor Canyon Road and Dripping Springs Road. The BLM has asked for comments, and many of the residents here have received letters from BLM about the project.
Deadline for comments is December 4, 2014. You may send your comment(s) to BLM at or Las Cruces District Office, 1800 Marquess St, Las Cruces NM 88005. More information on the project is available at