New FEMA Flood Insurance Maps
New FEMA Flood Maps
A number of Talavera residents and a representative of the Talavera Community Association attended last night’s meeting with the Flood Commission about new flood maps. These maps indicate what properties will require flood insurance*. To dispute this, protests must be filed with the Flood Commission by March 11, 2015.
It was suggested at the meeting that the maps available at will provide slightly better information for concerned homeowners. To access the information:
Go to
- Click on ‘New Mexico’ on the green map on the right of the screen.
- Click on ‘Dona Ana County’ on the list on the left of the next screen.
- Click on ‘Mapping Information’ in the green box, and agree to the disclaimer on the next screen.
You will be able to overlay the resulting map with satellite mapping, or type in your address to see information about your property.
*SFHAs are areas subject to inundation by the base flood and include the following flood insurance risk zone designations: A, AO, AH, A1‐A30, AE, A99, AR, AR/A1‐A30, AR/AE, AR/AO, AR/AH, AR/A, VO, V1‐V30, VE, and V. These are the designations that will require flood insurance. The form and instructions for filing appeals is available below.
For further information, call Douglas Hoffman
Required Support Data and Documentation for Property Owners: FEMA Appeal Comments. Use back arrow to return to this page.
To download FEMA Appeal Comments instructions, click FEMA Appeal Comments, scroll to bottom of document, mouse over bottom center, and click ‘download’ (right circle with down arrow) icon.