Toss No Mas, Saturday, Oct 25, 2014
The Keep Las Cruces Beautiful and New Mexico Clean and Beautiful programs will host the 20th annual Toss No Mas citywide cleanup on Saturday, Oct. 25, 2014. Volunteers are asked to register early.
Hundreds of volunteers will collect litter at parks, schools, streets and business properties from 8 a.m. to noon that day. Toss No Mas volunteers will then be treated to a free lunch following the cleanup.
Individual volunteers, groups and civic organizations are encouraged to register before Oct. 20 for this year’s Toss No Mas cleanup, which is a great opportunity to show pride in Las Cruces.
To register, visit the “Keep Las Cruces Beautiful” link or call KLCB Coordinator James Woods at (575) 528-4506.
The Toss No Mas campaign is organized locally by Keep Las Cruces Beautiful, a program of the Las Cruces Police Department’s Codes Enforcement Division.
Contact Information
Toss No Mas
Keep Las Cruces Beautiful
James Woods