Contact for Changes to UDC: Ms. Janine Divyak, Chief Planner

email received from:

A n g e l a R. R o b e r s o n
Chief Planner | Advance Planning
Doña Ana County, Community Development
845 N. Motel Blvd. | Las Cruces, NM 88007
575.525.6119 | Angela Roberson

The Simple Explanation

There is a mapping oversight on the current proposed zoning map. Staff is aware of the issue and intends to propose a change to the zoning map at the BOCC public hearing to remedy the issue.

The Technical Details of the Explanation

Most of Talavera, on the proposed zoning map, is zoned T2 which permits mobile homes. Staff will propose changing the T2 zoning in Talavera to T2-L which limits dwellings to site-built homes only.

Again, we are aware of the issue and the associated concerns of the residents and will propose the aforementioned revision to the BOCC to remedy the matter. It’s also my understanding that Commissioner Rawson presented this information at a neighborhood meeting but commented that people were still upset (about the proposed zoning map) and perhaps didn’t fully understand that the changes could be made and approved by the BOCC at the public hearing.

I believe it’s important for both staff and Commissioners to consistently convey the message that the UDC and associated zoning maps are out for final public review. In essence, if they haven’t already done so in the process, now is the time for residents to submit comments and ask questions so we can address matters like this one before the BOCC vote at the public hearing. We are also encouraging residents who have questions about the proposed zoning maps to contact us. Staff is happy to answer any questions, clarify any confusion and consider comments for additional recommendations to the BOCC.

All comments and questions should be directed to:

Ms. Janine Divyak, Chief Planner
Community Development Department
845 N. Motel Blvd.
Las Cruces, NM 88007

Janine Divyak

All comments must be received by 11:59pm Friday, November 18, 2016.

Thank you for your inquiry on this matter and providing us the opportunity to respond and share information on the UDC process.