Author: tca

Rattlesnake Vaccination Clinic Scheduled

Calista Animal Hospital of Las Cruces has scheduled a rattlesnake vaccination clinic for Talavera area residents on Sunday, March 21st 9-11AM at the Fire Station. The cost is $20 per vaccination. Everyone who lives in the Talavera area knows that rattlesnakes are a fact of 

High School Traffic Update

Here is a brief update of changes in the situation involving the new high school traffic. Yesterday the Las Cruces City Council did vote to annex the new high school area as reported in the Sun-News. Many thanks to those who came to the Council Meeting. Even those who did not speak helped our cause by being present. The Council did notice our presence and listened to those of us who did speak about our concerns. The Sun-News got some of the details of the plans for the roads, not all were correct.

Meeting Minutes Posted and Outstanding Citizen Award

At right is long-time Talavera resident Daren Bloomquist. Daren was presented with an ‘Outstanding Citizen Award’ at the February 20th meeting of the Talavera Community Association. The award was in recognition of Daren’s many contributions to the Talavera neighborhood. In addition to coordinating the neighborhood 

Good Turnout for the Neighborhood Road Cleanup

There was an excellent turnout for the neighborhood road clean up this past Saturday morning. Clean-up coordinator Daren Bloomquist reported that 47 area residents participated. This is a picture of the Organ Mesa Ranch residents who participated. Despite the high winds, there was a good