BLM Opens 30-Day Public Scoping – El Paso Electric, Talavera Substation Project

BLM Opens 30-Day Public Scoping Period on Environmental Assessment for El Paso Electric Right-of-Way Applications The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Las Cruces District Office is currently preparing an Environmental Assessment (EA) for right-of-way (ROW) applications submitted by El Paso Electric. The EA will analyze the potential 

Natural Gas Anyone?

Zia website link:  

Zia Natural Gas Company & Talavera

March 19, 2015, email received from Ron Reynolds, District Manager for Zia Natural Gas Company, regarding Zia supplying natural gas service to Talavera: Thank you for contacting me about the possibility of Zia Natural Gas Company supplying natural gas service to the Talavera community. Currently under