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I-25 at University Interchange, Construction Advisory

The Mesilla Valley Regional Dispatch Authority has issued a somewhat confusing advisoriy. The headline states that “I-25 northbound University Ave exit ramp will be CLOSED from Monday, 8/8 to 8/22.” Then the body of the advisory states that the northbound on-ramp at exit 1 will 

New City Council Districts

As you may have read, the City recently voted on new district lines for the City Council. Attached is the new district lines for the city. You’ll see the Missouri area is no longer represented by Sharon Thomas. I wonder how these councilors feel about 

More Wildlife

This site may be in danger of becoming a wildlife web page. Brigitte & Klaus Stanek forwarded this photo of a recent visitor to their garden on Cueva mine Trail: And Bernie Digman had this visitor in the Modoc/Chippewa area: It is probably safe to 

Wildlife Sightings in the Talavera Neighborhood

While rattlesnakes, jackrabbits, quail and deer (on the upper slope) are common sights to Talavera residents, the extreme drought we are experiencing has caused more exotic and less frequently seen wildlife farther downhill into our neighborhood. Over the past few weeks, the TCA has received