Cleanup Day is Coming… Not a Moment Too Soon!
As I have driven through our neighborhood in the past few weeks, it is very obvious that our cleanup is not happening any too soon. Dripping Springs Road, and Soledad Canyon Road look very bad. There is a tremendous amount of trash along the side of the roads. Sadly, much of it appears to be from the numerous construction sites in our neighborhood. I hope you feel as I do that the roadside trash detracts greatly from our beautiful community and you are willing to help in the clean up.
We will be meeting Saturday Morning, September 15th at 9:00 AM in front of the Firehouse. We will have bags, and a dumpster for the trash. Please wear sensible clothes, preferably long sleeves, comfortable shoes and bring gloves if you have them. We are hoping for a good turnout of our civic-minded neighbors.
Then, don’t forget Saturday evening, we will have our semi-annual Pot-Luck and a TCA meeting. Please bring a dish to share. The TCA will provide the main course, and coffee. After we eat, the regular meeting of the TCA will be held. As those who attended our last meeting may remember, we had several lively discussions on the FEMA flood maps, the Dripping Springs Road project, and the increasing urbanization of Las Cruces. All of those topics are on the agenda for this meeting. Please come and participate.