Successful Cleanup and Meeting
The TCA sponsored neighborhood cleanup was a success! Over 30 of your neighbors turned out to pick up trash along Dripping Springs and Soledad Canyon Roads. Many thanks to Darren Bloomquist, who has coordinated these cleanups since before I moved to the area. The Association also extends our thanks to all of our neighbors who participated in the cleanup. Thank you to all.
Over 60 residents attended the Pot-Luck and meeting that was held Saturday evening. Residents who attended heard presentations from Dona Ana County sheriff’s deputies, Jorge Granados on the Dripping Springs Road project, Steve Meadows a county ETZ planner, State Representative Joseph Cervantes, County Commissioner Karen Peres, and neighborhood resident Mike Park on his concerns with the flood plain mapping. Our thanks to all residents who participated in the Pot Luck, and to all of the presenters at the meeting.
The meeting minutes should be posted shortly. And, there is a need for volunteers for 2 new committees. If you are interested in participating on either a county zoning committee, or a flood plain mapping study, please contact me by either Email, or phone. I will elaborate on the 2 new committee’s in future posts.