Talavera Community Association
Illegal use of Motorcycles or ATV(s) on Trails between Dripping Springs and Soledad Canyon Rd have been observed between 7/16/2017 and 7/17/2017. Trails, especially Sierra Vista, experienced significant damage. Many plants, trees, and cacti have been destroyed.
All trails in this area and in the Organ Mountain Desert Peaks National Monument are OFF LIMITS TO MOTORIZED VEHICLES. If you see motorized vehicles on these trails, please get a TIME, DESCRIPTION, and PICTURE, and report it to the BLM. Your best contact at the BLM is Edna Flores, 575-525-4391,
We have reported this information to the BLM who will be sending uniformed officers to patrol. Local hikers have taken pictures of the damage and provided that to the BLM.