Promote Petition to Stop EPE Substation in Talavera
This Saturday, March 17, 2018, there will be a Candidates Forum at the Southwest Environmental Center located at 275 N Main St from 3:00 P.M. to 4:00 P.M. In attendance will be the incumbent, PRC commissioner Sandy Jones, and candidate former state senator Steve Fischmann. There will be 30 to 45 minutes of prepared questions and participants will have an opportunity to meet the candidates at the end of the meeting.
This may give the residents of Talavera an chance to ask the incumbent PRC Commissioner Sandy Jones about the status of our Petition and the County Resolution about the El Paso Electric proposed Sub-Station.
The TCA Board of Directors asks anyone that can attend to make their presence known and to urge Sandy Jones to give the EPE Petition a favorable nod.
Please note that the TCA does not and cannot endorse any political candidate that is up for election.