Author: tca

ETZ Meeting Outcome

Both requests related to the Soledad Vista subdivision that were before the ETZ commission at the October 1st meeting were approved. The 2 provisions were: 1. Request for approval of the subdivision plat map. 2. A request to waive the design standards for the right-of-way 

Proposed New Talavera Sign

Here is the proposed new sign. The membership approved spending up to $800 for this sign at the meeting. Talavera resident Mark Isler is donating the design and labor for the sign. It will be installed at the intersection of Dripping Springs Rd. and Soledad 

ETZ Commission Meeting of Interest to Talavera Residents

There will be a meeting of the ETZ commission this Thursday, October 1, at 7:00 PM in the County Commission Chambers. The sign on the left (click on picture to view full size) was posted in the middle of an impassible section of Achenbach Canyon 

Another Successful Clean-up, Pot-Luck and Meeting

Saturday morning, over 50 residents from the Organ Mesa, Desert Mirage and Soledad Canyon areas volunteered their time to pick up trash on our roads and at the BLM Monte-Vista trailhead for A-Mountain. Organizer Daren Bloomquist was very pleased with the turnout and reported that