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Another Successful Clean-up, Pot-Luck and Meeting

Saturday morning, over 50 residents from the Organ Mesa, Desert Mirage and Soledad Canyon areas volunteered their time to pick up trash on our roads and at the BLM Monte-Vista trailhead for A-Mountain. Organizer Daren Bloomquist was very pleased with the turnout and reported that 

Road Clean-up, Pot-Luck and General Meeting this Saturday

Don’t forget this Saturday: The Road clean-up begins at 8:30 AM. Meet at the fire department to pick up trash bags and road assignments. We suggest you wear long sleeves and bring work gloves if you have them. The Pot-Luck begins at 5:30 PM. The 

Bingaman & Udall Introduce Measure to Protect Organ Mountains

Thursday, September 17, 2009 WASHINGTON – U.S. Senators Jeff Bingaman and Tom Udall today introduced legislation that will protect the scenic landscapes of the Organ Mountains in Doña Ana County.  The bill, called the Organ Mountains – Desert Peaks Wilderness Act, creates wilderness and conservation 

Vote Today for the Fire Protection Excise Tax !

The special Fire Protection Excise Tax election is today. Polls are open until 7:00 PM. Talavera residents polling location is: Los Alturas Fire Station 4145 Cholla Drive Polls close at 7:00 PM!